Karel Gott is a singer and painter, and has been a fixture on the Czech entertainment scene for half a century. Some consider him the “Sinatra of the East”. Even at 66 years of age, he is still just as active as ever, although this year he is staging his first “good-bye” tour. He has won 30 Zlatý slavík (Gold Nightingale) awards, which are given every year to the most popular pop singer in the country.
If you are in the Czech Republic for more than just a visit, you are bound to come across Karel. You can hear him on the radio, see him in any number of variety shows on television and he always seems to pop up at the end of award shows. He can be seen grinning on the covers of magazines. In April, he was in the news because his 30 year-old girlfriend gave birth to his daughter. The Supraphon label recently released a DVD with his hits of the 60’s. And at the end of this month, Karel Gott’s own museum, Gottland, will open to the public.
On some days, it is hard to avoid Karel. I don’t know how many times I have walked into the living room when the TV was on and there he was, delivering an award or singing one of his new songs. One evening I visited my favorite Chinese restaurant and along with the printed reviews posted by the front door, I noticed a photo of a smiling Gott surrounded by the happy chefs and waitresses.
If you want to read more about Karel Gott, you can visit his website (turn your speakers down) and his Gottland site.
Thanks Jeff for the news. I was pleased to see Gott’s paintings on the website. I like them more than his singing.
I think that the idea of Gottland is totally ridiculous! How important does he think he is?
I’ve listened to Karel Gott recordings for 25 years. Until a few years ago, I thought he was just a German language singer born in Czechoslovakia. No clue as to his Czech entertainment career or “god” status. (Thank you, Iron Curtain!) Here in the USA, the general population has no clue as to who is Karel Gott.
I am coming to Prague in November and it will be an honor to be exposed to this “Gott is everywhere” media saturation. Can’t wait to visit a music store (Bontonland?)and choose from a variety of Karel Gott CDs. Over the years, I have had to purchase whatever recordings were made available by a catalog or specialty retailer. Is that DVD available in NTSC coded for Region 1?
Paintings – from what I saw on the website, it looks like Karel is illustrating comic books.
Gottland – mixed feelings. Would like to see exhibits about Karel’s career, but don’t need to see where he “did the ladies”.