Today is the 650th anniversary of Charles Bridge. The foundation stone was laid at 5:31am on July 9, 1357 with the help of king Charles IV. He consulted his astrologers and the date and time were chosen so that the odd numbers that ascend and descend on the scale of 1 – 9 would form the palindrome 135797531.
You can read more about Charles Bridge on our page on My Czech Republic.
Radio Praha has a Charles Bridge 650th Anniversary page.
Charles Bridge, July 8, 2007
Well this now solves a lifelong mistery!With all those egg-whites left over, the good old Czech had to make something usefull ( nothing is ever thrown out in a Czech household), Hence, we now have — what my mother used to call –Pusinky ( beaten egg whites with sugar and then baked)Morang kisses!….